Tuesday, July 10, 2012

To Feel Love

Today I am overjoyed to feel ever so loved. That is, loved by my husband as well as my heavenly father. Since all love comes from the Father and He is Love, I can't mention being loved without mentioning him. It is a beautiful picture how God can use men as a picture of himself and women as a picture of his church.

I left for work this morning feeling loved, taken care of and pursued. I am very blessed to have this life. I can remember a time (not very long ago, mind you) that I didn't really believe that this type of love existed. I never knew very many men who exhibited this selfless, laying down your life, kind of love.

This is me at the top of Diamond Head in Honolulu looking over God's creation. 

So, what did I do? I grasped. I grasped on to whatever I could for a moment of stability or a moment of temporary fulfillment. I might have been grasping onto my pride that I can do whatever I want because I'm awesome. I might have been grasping onto the thought of a boy who I knew wasn't sent from the Lord, but I knew would give me a few moments attention. I might have even grasped too firmly onto friendships that took my affections away from the Lord. Whatever the case, we've all done this at some point whether we are single or not.

I do want to speak specifically to single ladies today, though (if you aren't one, please take a listen for the sake of understanding). I am amazed at the girls in the youth group Lucas and I help with and how they adore our imperfect relationship and in their eyes we are the perfect couple and long for someone to call their own. They eat, sleep and breathe relationships and love and everything that will give you warm fuzzies if you think on it long enough.

I know I was that way at one point to some extent. I focused on every good-looking man that walked by, and if he didn't give me a second look I knew that something had to be wrong with me. Wow, my mind was so warped.

Many other scenarios happen with young ladies who are looking for love. I could really go on for days with stories of people I know and my personal stories, but we don't have those kinds of attention spans.

Ladies, I also know that you hate hearing people say "But this is the time in your life when you need to get to know God." or the dreaded "Jesus is your Prince Charming." I get it, I loathe when people say cheesy and stereotypical things, especially about something so personal and serious.

Let me say, it is your time to spend with your Father. Serve Him, chase Him, love Him with all your heart. He has a perfect will that is about His kingdom. When we can take the focus off of what we want out of life and focus on his perfect will that we know Him, life is not perfect, but we can grasp the beauty of our situation, not matter what it is.

Be encouraged today because your story really doesn't belong to you. We serve a God who is above traditions, cultural boundaries, religion, family values, and every other thing humans invented to make ourselves feel normal.

Seek Him with me today. He sure is pursuing us.

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