Thursday, July 12, 2012

Honesty about a Blah day

My sleep this week has been rather limited. Also, my air conditioner is not working. Oh, and the drain on our bath tub is not working and we have to shower standing in dirty water. Oh poor me. Haha

This was all I could think about this morning as I was such a grouchy pants.

After lunch I was sitting with my lovely coworker Casey preparing some mail to send off. When I finished we decided to stroll to the post office just to get out of the building. It was a nice walk there. Casey and I always have something to talk about. Our way back seemed the same kind of normal when suddenly the sky opened up and it was like the rain scene from Forrest Gump. We were soaked from head to toe.

I'm about to be stereotypical, and it pains me, but rain brings a lot of thoughts and metaphors that relate to a holy God. I can't help but be blessed by this rain, especially after the hot we have experienced this summer. (Or maybe the coldness of it shocked my system and jolted me from grouchiness).

Despite my grouchiness this morning, the Lord has been "raining" down his presence and blessings in my life the past couple weeks. Much of it has been through this very blog. I am so thankful that the Lord has used these words he puts into my head to share with you to bless your life and encourage your walk with him. Thank you, friends so much for the calls, texts, and messages about how you are being encouraged. I am so overwhelmed by it all. And I am especially overwhelmed by such a great God.

If you are like me and find yourself on this normal Thursday being a grouchy pants I encourage you to go stand out in the rain (metaphorically speaking). Take time, write down, say aloud (I don't care) all the things the Lord is up to in your life that are so good you couldn't possibly deserve them or be responsible for them.

Rain now reminds me of my wedding day. On the way to Memphis after our wedding Lucas and I saw a full rainbow. It was absolutely beautiful. I felt like it was God's way of assuring me of his presence in our marriage despite any insecurities I had or will have. (And here is a picture of part of it)

This picture really doesn't do it justice compared to the picture of it in my heart.

So, stop being silent. Please share with me via Twitter, Facebook, or email what blessings rain reminds you of? Please?

This is how happy it will make me..

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