Thursday, September 27, 2012

Don't Ask Me to Share my Dessert

I am a sweets enthusiast. I love to eat them and cook them. If it is coated with, cooked in, or contains sugar I am all in. I will eat it until I can contain no more, or until I go into a coma. When I was a kid often times I would have a Mountain Dew and Chocolate Pop-Tarts for breakfast (the Nabisco kind) if my mom wasn't looking.

I love them so much that I hate when I have to share. When I was younger and my family went to a restaurant and it was time to order dessert I would let everyone know that I needed my very own. My mom would always say "I'm not going to order one. I'll just take a bite of yours'" Nine times out of ten "a bite" meant "I'm just going to eat half of it." This would make me so mad, but usually I kept my cool.

At the end of my sophomore year of college my mom and I went on a vacation to visit some friends in Arizona. We went to eat at many great places, but I found my breaking point at Macaroni Grill where they have AWESOME desserts. We were discussing which one to order and with my sweet tooth in full craving mode when she said the bite thing, I said "I"m not sharing!! Get your own dessert!" Now, I realize that this is not the Christ like attitude that I avidly promote, but its the truth of my downfall that I am working to deal with.
This is an actual photo from this incident. Our friend Cheryl was making fun of my outburst!
Thank the Lord for good friends who let you see how silly you are.

It's even so bad that I secretly get mad anytime anyone asks me for a bite of my brownie, candy bar, or even for one of my Hershey Kisses. I dread the day that I have kids who I want to teach to be healthy eaters and have to either hide or share my desserts. (It's that serious).

Yes, I have this "thing" that I grasp onto for dear life just like how we all have certain sins that we refuse to share and bring light to. We get caught up in the entrapment of lies and leave people who really care to know our hears in the dark and say "I'm not sharing!!" This is a definite downfall of mine. I hate to admit that I'm wrong and I hate letting anyone see the deepest places of my hurt where hurt and secrets can fester.

When we hold on to secret sin it tears up our souls from the inside out (much like diabetes to our body). It ruins our relationships with great people, and it makes us afraid to look at ourselves (much like eating too many sweets, if you know what I mean).

Ecclesiastes 12:14 says "For God will bring every deed into judgement, with every secret thing, whether good or evil."

Selfishness isn't only holding onto good things in life. I believe that it also includes holding on to the darkest parts of our hearts because we believe that we can handle it alone. The truth is that we cannot go on like that. Our hearts are meant to be seen in the light, that's why it's coming in the future.

Let's prepare for that light-bringing process now, and put it out there to those who care most and who want to speak tenderly to our hearts and hold us accountable.


  1. I am totally the same way. I am so addicted to sugar that I should be attending Celebrate Recovery. (CR is for "hurts, hang-ups and habits.) My love for sugar is a hang-up, a habit, and could invole "hurts" if someone trys to take my dessert from me! When I tell Keith, "I love you more than dessert" he knows that I REALLY love him! I love reading your blogs. Keep writing for the Lord!
