Monday, July 2, 2012

When I was a Freshman

This is me on move-in day as a freshman with my first college
roommate, Beth. I realize I look pretty much the same 5 years later.
Right about now, my summer in inundated with freshman planning and contacting for the fall. I love those little fellas. I have been thinking a bit about my time as a freshman and what I would have/ should have done differently, and these are a few things I wish I would have known. Please, feel free to comment on this blog and add to the list!!

1. Learn how to study. A lot of sharp kids get away with not studying in high school, but it doesn't work in college. If you don't have study skills ask a smart friend for some help. It works wonders.

2. Dating in college is slightly more serious. Hanging out with a different boy every night might be cool, but it is not wise.

3. Parties are really boring if you don't drink alcohol. The solution to this problem is up to you.

4. Roommates do not have to be your best friend. I always worked best with a roommate if we got along, but generally did our own thing. I like to think of it as a business transaction. We live together to split the bills, if we happen to want to be friends that is a great bonus. (Some people think this is cold, but it worked for me).

5. Money is not everything. This is a lesson I'm learning still, but professors and other filled my mind with dreams of always driving a brand new car and having plenty. I'm learning that God is sufficient.

6. College is a time for growth and self-discovery. Ask yourself important questions like "what's my purpose in life."

7. Hanging out by yourself is better than being drug down by the wrong people. (I took an entire semester where I hung out with my parents every weekend, and it was so worth it).

8. The freshman 15 is real.

Freshman year is such an exciting time full or new people and experiences. Let's remember that this is also a very important year. Namely in the first two weeks freshmen set patterns that will be with them the rest of their college career. Let's not get caught up in this thought pattern that "when I get older I'll straighten up." Let's all work toward being the person that we want to be 30 years from now.

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